DIVA Soda Poppin Collection Set (Full 36)

Original price was: £324.00.Current price is: £275.00.

Full 36 Gel Polish and Varnish Collection with complimentary hand painted colour swatch board.

Welcome to the Soda Shoppe! Like a waterfall rushing down candy mountain, refresh yourself with a pop explosion of lovely lilacs, blushing rose, and velvety peach hues. Electrify the senses with crackling yellows and vibrant greens to quench that deep longing inside for sun-kissed days of childhood. Sit at the diner counter and travel back to simpler times with soft malted shades. Keep on chasing that nostalgic feeling with DIVA-s Soda Poppin- collection, sure to replenish the mind and soul with its 36 sweet shades.

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